
Sunday 7 October 2012

Telepathic Animal Communication Creating Deeper Understanding Between Species

In my work as an animal communicator, I am often asked about what I do, how telepathic animal communication works, what it is like to be able to hear and understand the animals and how I teach others to develop this ability.This article addresses some of the most commonly asked questions about telepathic animal communication.How did you become an animal communicator?Since childhood, I have had a passion for animals, and a fascination for understanding how other beings think, feel and view the world. I communicated with and understood animals telepathically when I was young, and then reconnected with this ability after I adopted my first dog as an adult.I have done extensive training to develop and hone my skills, and to learn to use them professionally to assist others with their animal companions. I continue to deepen in my practice and learn from the animals every day, particularly my own animal family of dogs, cats, horses and chickens, who are my best teachers.What is telepathic animal communication?Telepathic communication is a way of understanding others through images, feelings, sensations, thoughts or deep knowing that is not based on verbal language.Telepathic communication is the universal language—the way that all beings communicate that is “underneath” the specific language of each species. Humans, particularly in Western societies, have often lost this ability through our culture’s emphasis on verbal and written language, and favoring mental “thinking” over communication from the heart.Telepathic communication is not complicated, or reserved for a “gifted” few. I believe that this type of communication is our natural birthright, and one that anyone can rediscover and reclaim if they are willing to devote some time and energy to the process.One of my greatest joys is helping others to re-awaken this natural ability through the courses that I teach, and seeing people begin to hear and appreciate their animal friends in new and deeper ways.Telepathy is a simple and direct form of communication that is available to all of us if we are simply willing to be open and pay attention to it.What is an animal communication consultation?A telepathic animal communication consultation is an opportunity for you to have direct two-way communication with your animal friend.You can ask questions about matters that are important to you or problems you may be having in your relationship. I view my role as that of “translator”—I create a connection between you and your animal friend so that you may better understand each other.I communicate your animal’s viewpoints, feelings, perspectives and other relevant information that can help to create more cooperation and a deeper relationship between you.Animals are generally very grateful to have their people understand their point of view, and this may give a whole new perspective on how to handle issues you may be having with them. We work together to resolve misunderstandings, behavior problems, resolve past traumas and other difficulties.I work with all species of animals, both domestic and wild. I have found that each species has their own unique way of experiencing their lives and viewing the world and their place in it, and also that each individual within the species has their own perspective, understanding and viewpoint.It is impossible to make generalizations about any species or type of animal that hold true for all.I am often asked how long-distance telepathic communication works. Because telepathy is “feeling across a distance,” it does not matter if the distance involved is 2 inches or 2,000 miles.Much the same as you may know what a close friend is feeling on the telephone, although you may be many miles apart, I can “hear” what your animal wishes to communicate to you, whether or not I am physically present with you or your animal friend.I establish a link with your animal through your description or a photo, and your intention to communicate with him or her. It is somewhat like tuning into the right radio channel or frequency.It is important to understand that animal communication is not a substitute for veterinary care, consistent and humane training, proper nutrition and good exercise. I regularly refer my clients to other professionals when it is appropriate. Animal communication can provide a clearer understanding of what is happening from the animal’s perspective, which can then lead to knowing which other resources may be effective in helping to resolve the situation.Is there proof?I am also often asked about whether or not there is “proof ” that telepathic communication exists and whether it is effective. Many available resources, written by animal behaviorists and scientists as well as animal communicators, now address this question. I like to use a direct way of determining whether or not an animal communication session has “worked,” and that is by looking at the results.Did the animal’s behavior change? Did the human-animal relationship improve? Did the household become more harmonious? For example, if a dog stops urinating on the floor after a person fully understands the reasons for the behavior and has made any appropriate adjustments, it is a good indication that an understanding has been reached and that the telepathic communication was a success.I have had many experiences in my own practice of telepathic communication making a significant difference for the people and animals I work with.One of my favorite stories is about a client who had a huge infestation of ants in his home. We worked to communicate with the ants, find out why they were there, understand their point of view and take steps to encourage them to leave, including explaining to them why they couldn’t remain in the home, removing their food sources and offering an alternative (temporary) food source outside. My client was amazed to see the ants literally reverse direction and head in a line out the door after our communication. Last I heard, they had not ever returned.Choosing an Animal Communicator:Each animal communicator has particular specialties, training and experience. The field has grown enormously in the last 30 years, with the early pioneers paving the way for those of us in practice now.When choosing an animal communicator to work with, it is important to find someone with whom you feel comfortable and compatible, as well as who has significant training and experience in the field. There is a professional Code of Ethics, as well, which many animal communicators adhere to.

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